Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Here Piggy Piggy

So quite sometime ago I saw a post by Hallie and Sweetpea at The Princess and The Pump where Sweets had a Piggy Bank on her night stand and after never using it Hallie started putting strips in it during night time checks.

Fast forward a few months and I saw cute little piggy banks outside of Michael's on clearance for $1 each... Now my sister raised a pig through FFA in high school.  So ever since then she was on a piggy kick and me being the nice sister I was picked up pig trinkets and stuff when I saw them.
Meredith got to take "Elle" to several shows and won several ribbons :)
I got to see one show at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo

This was "Elle's" home at the FFA barn

Now back to that day at Michael's... well I picked up two small metallic piggy banks, one pink (for her) and one purple (for me).  I packed up the pink piggy and a few other goodies and mailed it off to my sister who is away at college and I put my purple piggy on my desk at home. 
So the pig sat there for a while and then I remembered the post at The Princess and the Pump and started putting test strips (that seemed to be everywhere) in there.  And over the next several months, instead of just putting test strips back in my meter pouch or on my night stand they went in the pig.

Here a few days ago I finally decided to "unload" the pig, as I had kind of stopped putting strips in the pig since it was getting harder to do as the pig was so full.  On one hand it is kind of neat (err yucky?) to see sooooo many strips, on another hand I am grateful not only for the modern technology that allows me to know my blood sugar in under 5 seconds, but mostly I am grateful for the medical insurance that covers my supplies.  I know many people are not as lucky to test at their leisure and it makes me cringe when I hear of someone "rationing" strips or going to bed/ taking insulin not knowing what their number is.

Just in case you are wondering what this pig is made of:
  1. Bayer Contour Strips- From a Contour USB meter a rep gave me- those are neat little things
  2. Old Black One Touch Strips- From the Ultra Link that talks to my current Medtronic Pump
  3. Blue One Touch Strips- From the Ultra Link that talks to my current Medtronic Pump
  4. New Once Touch Gold Verio IQ Strips- From a Verio Meter that my CDE gave me- sweet light
  5. Talking Meter Strips- From a meter one of my moms friends didn't want- kind of cool- it spoke Spanish too
  6. Precision Ketone Strips- Some days you just need these
  7. Old FreeStyle Strips- From my OmniPod Days
  8. New FreeStyle Strips- From my OmniPod Days

So are you one that is diligent and makes sure every strips ends up in the trash? 
Are you one that sees strips around town and wonders if they are yours?
Do you stash your strips in the little side pouch of the black case that comes with your meter and hope it doesn't spill everywhere?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. When you dump them out like that...a picture is worth a thousand words...or finger pokes!!!!
